The Book of Truths and Lies --------------------------- 2013-12-23 Version 0.3 2013-12-23 Version 0.2 2013-12-22 Version 0.1 Author: Miika Oksman, né Turunen miika 'at or nearby' The latest version is probably at --- Hereupon lies a book of truths. An ever-evolving collection of things I have thought or stolen. The context falls under Creative Commons Attribution + ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) license and all perceived wrongdoings will be persecuted to the full extent of my chaotic interests and abilities. This text should preferably be used only for good and if you have any doubts then ask me. What is good for you isn't probably good for someone else. If you ever harm anyone, including yourself, because of these babblings, then I'll be very sad and disappointed. Have a nice life! Miika p.s. Unfortunately I can't possibly answer every email I've received, but I promise to read them all and act accordingly. p.p.s. And yes, I know what a denial-of-service attack is and I applaud your ingenuity. Just don't waste anyone's time unnecessarily, please. p.p.p.s. No, we^WI have not seen that myriad herd of swine nor its descendants. p^4.s. For the 127th time, I'm not a messiah. My name is simply Miika and I'm a lousy capitalist pig. But thanks for asking. --- * I finally know enough to know that no-one knows anything. Others knew this already thousands of years ago. * Always smile unless you have a really good reason not to. Baltasar Gracián taught this in the 17th century and he wasn't even the smartest one. * Only those who attempt the absurd can achieve the impossible. Thanks to M. C. Escher for his works. * I woke up one day realizing I didn't like the world as it is. I'm now giving the world the freedom to adapt to me. * I heard em say that e was mad, but since e was mad, e didn't care. E was happy. * I spoke with them and stared the walls with unseeing eyes. They changed. * Having climbed a mountain with a lead overcoat, bury it at the top and call a taxi to the next peak. There are no limits to what you can overtake. * Think twice about doing something others don't want to be done. Think thrice about doing something you don't want. * Do what you love and love what you do. Life is too short for anything else. * Tapsa said that one can nowadays write a poem as simple as: Humanness. Me. * Listen to the river. It might say something besides Om. Siddhartha Reader's Cut. * When walking through a valley of shadows and death, take along a friend, or better yet an enemy. * In my dreams I see myself through the beast's eyes strangling the animal I've eaten. I'm afraid and don't understand why I must suffer. * Respect nature for its majesty, beauty and fragility. We can't survive without. It knows no concept of forgiveness. * One doesn't need religion to do good. Everyone is an individual and has the right to believe what e wants. Never judge others just because of their beliefs, but look at the consequences of each individual's own actions. Take responsibility for Your own actions, and especially Your own inactions. * You can become the highest worldly authority. (There are good reasons for laws and regulations, so respect them and others as appropriate.) * A picture can lie more than thousand words. Television frame rate is about 25 pictures in a second and computer monitors are at least twice as fast. Please, read your news from more than one source. Preferably don't rely just on your national sources, if it's okay. Someone always owns the media. In any case, form your own opinions. * My dear and lovely wife thinks that philosophy is useless and sucks. :) * Clarification to the above: my wife thinks that philosophy is useless because it doesn't lead to anything. * There can be great beauty and harmony in science. * Do science as you'd do art. And vice versa. * Share your knowledge and abilities. Inspire others. I want to visit the stars. * They say that there could be no light without darkness, but what would be wrong with uniform enlightenment? * Embrace mistakes and learn from them, but try not to repeat them. * The mistakes don't have to be your own. Read history, it's full of mistakes. * When possible, read books in their original language. Accurate translation is stupefyingly difficult, even if one is the author. * If someone could create an artificial intelligence that would follow these tenets, we should all be in awe. Don't blame Voltaire if it's wrathful. * Never believe a scientist. Doubly so if it's you. * When I think, I have a tunnel vision. Remember to rest enough. * Don't take life too seriously, but do take it seriously. * Always try to appreciate humor. * My greed is to entertain and educate. * All the statements in this book are truthful lies. * If you like any of this stuff, then consider making a donation and sharing this text with others. But don't make the donation to me.